[Hedz Up!] Indulge

This week let the Lord comfort, encourage and strengthen you.

You are being much harder on yourself than He could or would ever desire to be.

Financial pressures are easing, and soon you will be looking back at the hard times. Shake them off, and prepare to get back to building. You will need your strength, so indulge in His Present Strength.

Working Vacation.

[Hedz Up!] Heads Up!

When I was young I took horseback riding lessons. My first lesson, the instructor was constantly telling me: “Look where you’re going.” Round and round the ring, “Look where you’re going!” I got so frustrated, cuz I thought I was doing the right thing already. Finally, the instructor asked me, “Dianne, where are you looking?”

I answered, “I’m looking where I’m going.”

She said, “No, you’re looking where your horse is going – you need to look where you’re telling him to go. Look between his ears – that’s where you’re going!”

Instead of looking down, watching my horse’s feet fall in the dirt, I raised my eyes to look between his ears. It was a simple adjustment, but suddenly my posture changed, the horse’s gait changed, and everything was so much easier. I got it. And I fell in love with horseback riding.

Ever since then, every once in a while Daddy reminds me to “Look” where I’m going. My head comes up and I look at the big picture, where we’re going, together. My posture changes, my gait changes, and everything is easier. Many of the obstacles fall away, I find my focus again, and I re-fall in love with His purpose and plan for me today.

Ask Daddy if there’s any area you’re looking down instead of looking ahead. If necessary, let Him raise your head. Over time, you’ll get it, and you’ll find He provides whatever may be lacking. He knows what you need now. And He loves you. It will become easier.

[Hedz Up!] “What Are You Waiting For?”

Many have made difficult decisions, and have received some form of the peace that comes from receiving God’s wisdom. But time has passed, and though the decision has been made, little action has been taken. Just because you made the decision, doesn’t mean your enemies are going to let up. In fact, things may get worse!

If you’ve had trouble moving forward, even being confused about your next step, take a few minutes to identify the problem.

* First, clearly identify, in writing, what your next step is, and when you are to have it completed.

Then review as often as necessary:

* Do you need to overcome demonic interference?

* Are your old habits — emotional, organizational, relational — keeping you from taking the next step?

* Have you made this a priority in your life? Often the longer we delay change, the harder it becomes. What can you do Right Now?

Even if you don’t have directions for the entire journey, take the next step. Now.

Persistence as a character quality is developed by being persistent as a habit.

Practical Christianity is Practicable

There are things we can do objectively, not depending on others’ approval or direction, that will bring measurable results. God doesn’t want us to be wondering how we’re doing, what He thinks about us, or if we’re pleasing Him. He wants us to know — in reality — what to do and how to be. And since we’re free to make mistakes, we can practice what He’s teaching us as much as is necessary. In a way, we will be “practicing” our relationship with God for as long as we are here on this earth, in much the same way as doctors “practice” medicine. Though we attain certain skills (covered in Knowing God), there will always be another area to explore, since God Himself is never-ending, and is always creating new experiences for us to share with Him.

God also wants us to know where He’s taking us. He wants us to have personal goals, worked out between us and Him. And He wants us to know when we’ve achieved them. Along with this, He wants us to know what our limitations are, and abide by them until He changes them. What God has purposed for someone else may not be something He wants us to be concerned with.

[excerpted from Practical Christianity]

[Hedz Up!] The Fatted Calf

In the story of the Prodigal Son, the Older Son stayed home working around the old homestead. The Younger Son asked for his inheritance early and proceeded to quickly squander it. When he returned home in rags, expecting to be treated as a servant, his father instead embraced him and treated him as his son, throwing him a party. The Older Son was jealous, wanting to know why his father had never thrown him a party, since he was a good boy and worked hard for his father.

The father’s answer to his son is God’s answer for you: “You are living your inheritance, and could have enjoyed it at any time.”

Are you putting off the inheritance that is available to you now? Are you waiting for God to “notice” your situation and intervene? Or are you praying to receive something you’ve already been given? Are you waiting for your reward?

You are already a co-inheritor & joint-heir. All the riches of the kingdom are yours. Now.

But let’s be specific: Are you denying yourself something because you believe you won’t receive it either until you pray hard enough to convince God to give it to you, or until you die and go to heaven? Or until you do something to deserve it? Mature “spiritually”?

Do you have an unanswered question, that you look forward to getting answered in heaven? Do you long for that time when you will truly feel loved and accepted? Do you need a healing or resources that you don’t know how to appropriate?

Yes, it’s easier said than done. Learning to live like the King’s sons is challenging. But it’s what we’re here for. Let’s upgrade our expectations to the Best and not settle for Good or Better.

What Is Your Fatted Calf?

[Hedz Up!] Check In and Move On

Happy New Year! But don’t get distracted in resolutions or reveling.

This is a very active time in the supernatural realm. Stay on the track the Lord has set you on. If you use a ‘new’ year as a checkpoint, check in quickly, and, unless you hear otherwise, keep your focus on moving in the same direction as the ‘old’ year. For example,

“Lord, I’m going to set aside 15 minutes for the next 3 days in order to give you a chance to provide direction. Unless I hear from you, I’m going to continue in the direction I’ve been going. Thanks ahead of time for that direction.”

Don’t expect confirmation, though you may receive encouragment. You may have new choices and decisions to make. But don’t go off in a new direction unless He says so. Until a job is done, work at it, unless the Lord interrupts.

God knows what He’s doing. Stay in touch with Him, and you won’t have to look back and say, “Why was I so worried? God had this all under control all the time, and I could have relaxed and watched Him do His thing!”

Peace, in action and emotion.

[Hedz Up!] “Don’t Force It!”

There are things that you know the Lord has called you to do, that you have a desire to do. Don’t let circumstances create pressure to force the issue prematurely, or to imply that the timing is right because nothing else seems to be going on. This is particularly true with relationships, legal issues and finances.

Be ready to be patient, and make sure your foundation is secure. Don’t take legal shortcuts, rush relationship decisions for convenience sake, and certainly don’t go into debt. God will never direct you to go into debt to start a business or relationship, go into or expand your ministry or make a purchase.

The time you spend waiting, and working, to secure your foundation is not wasted, but invested. See if others who have started hastily don’t fall short.

There is No Rush!

You are a son of God; you have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD!