Getting Healed ~ Where to Start

God has a three-fold purpose for each one of us here on this earth:

  1. He exposes our flesh, so He can consume it,
  2. He makes us able to receive His healing in all areas of our lives, and
  3. He makes us able to enjoy intimacy with Him on all levels.

These areas are intertwined, and as He heals us, it will also affect how He exposes our flesh and brings us into relationship with Him. One can’t be done without the others. So if you want to have an intimate relationship with God, you’re gonna have to let the Lord deal with your flesh, and you’re gonna have to let Him heal you. Likewise, if you want to be healed, you’re going to have to develop an intimate relationship with God and have your flesh exposed.

Finally, if you’re tired of walking after your flesh, you’re going to have to learn how to get healed, and how to walk and live and move in the spirit.

So part of God’s purpose for us is that we receive healing in all parts of our being. Remember, we are a three-parted being: “I am a spirit, I have a soul and I live in a body.” In our spirits we are already complete. Spiritually, we are whole, we are entire—we don’t need healing in our spirit. It is in our body and in our soul (our mind, will and emotions) that we are wounded, and, if not tended, where wounds can fester and need healing.

Get Ready, Stay Ready!

For those who have been experiencing a sense of anticipation, it is time to put your affairs in order so that nothing is lost and there is no hesitation when your orders to move are delivered.

Don’t worry that you don’t know what is coming, and don’t feel prepared. Daddy has been making you ready, and you will hear and know at the time of your calling.

Once you’ve finished that which you know you should be doing, check with Counselor to see if there is anything you’ve missed; not because you’ve missed something, but so you will know going into this next thing that you are free to devote your full attention to your future and He will oversee your past.

Who’s Your Daddy?

Authors in both the old covenant and new testament used a variety of phrases and names to attempt to translate the diversity of God’s character into terms we could relate to, culturally and socially; Johovah Jireh, God Our Provider. El Elyon, God Most High. Paraclete, Comforter.

But as a spirit being, you already know God fully as He is. As we are healed, and learn to walk in greater understanding and freedom, that spiritual knowledge becomes more and more accessible to our mind, will and emotions and even our natural senses. The more we cooperate with Him, and rest in Him, the more we let Him fill the character needs we rely on others to fill in our lives – lover, planner, truth-teller. We all need as well a good and faithful father, older brother and guidance counselor.

Ask now if there is any area where He is prevented from relating to you as He chooses. If the answer is Yes, test the source (Is that you, Lord). If Yes, ask for specifics, and ask what you need to do or what lies you are believing that need to be addressed so He can be free to present Himself to your entire being any way He chooses. If No, identify the source of the obstruction and deal with it as He directs until He assures you He has freedom in your life. If He responds No, no problems here! Just say Thanks, Dad, and enjoy your day.