Author Archives: Dianne

Age of Grace [‘It’s About Time,’ cont.]

The Age of Grace had dawned, but mankind was still not ready for it. As great and awesome and wonderful as the Crucifixion was, it only concluded God’s purpose for the previous time period (Age of Law): It didn’t start something new. It wasn’t until the Resurrection that the Tree of Life was made available again to any who were without sin (all sins were paid for, even those not yet committed). It was this Tree, Jesus, which changed the very nature of man, making him a new creature, not a re-newed one.

[excerpted from “Practical Christianity”]

[Leadership] Up and At ‘Em

There is a time for planning and a time for action. Your plans and strategies will never be perfect, never be complete. Don’t wait until you have everything in perfect order. You will find you will be able to complete any area of preparation quickly as you take action.

Let others in on your plans. As a Leader they will learn from your example as well as from your wisdom.

Ask the Lord for the okay, then —

Get Started!

[Hedz Up!] Hide and Seek

Pursue the treasures God has hidden for you.

Just as in the game we all played when we were young, enjoy the seeking as well as the finding. Once you find it, you will be surprised at how easy it was. Then it will be your turn to be sought out.

Your treasure is waiting for you now.

Enjoy the hunt.

[Command] Truth in Media

Freedom and Democracy are not possible without a Responsible Free Press. The public relies on media to keep it informed day to day, as well as, unfortunately, reenforcing beliefs and educating on the issues. When any media fails to be objective, they are no longer “Press,” they have become “Propagandists.”

Command “Truth in Media.”

Repeat often until no longer necessary.

For Freedom’s Sake!

[Hedz Up!] Come Out of Your Prayer Closet

Opportunity is knocking, but you will have to come out of your prayer closet to answer the door. Put your hand and mind to what you desire. Expect God to make it grow, as you plant the seeds. Try, Fall, Try Again. Ask God, but do the work that is in front of you.

Now is Your Time.

Freedom to Fail, Freedom to Succeed!

[Command] Justice in the Courts

We are starting a new series entitled “Command”. Since we are learning to Rule and Reign here, on this earth, during our time here, we must learn how to command that which we have authority over. As spirit beings, we have authority over both the natural and supernatural/soulical realms. So we learn to speak Truth into these realms, and Command change into the World System accordingly. Throughout the day, and following week, speak this both out loud and internally, not to yourself but into any aspect of the World System that the Lord brings to your mind specifically.

“I command Justice in the Courts.”

That’s it! Simple, right? Over time it may become more specific, but for now, let’s learn how to take our place individually where we are.

[Hedz Up!] Hidden Opportunity

When making plans and setting goals for your immediate future, pay close attention to the details. Hidden within are surprises and treasures the Lord has waiting for you. If you move too hastily, you may walk right past the opportunities available to you now.

That doesn’t mean they won’t be available for you later, but NOW is the time to receive and act. Everything is prepared for you, and you are ready.

Diversify your Dreams.

Have a Spectacular Week!

[Leadership] Taking Charge

As a spirit being you will have to learn to rule and reign over both the supernatural and natural realms and the beings who abide there. Look at each day’s events as an opportunity to command God’s spiritual reality to appear in all realms.

Whatever hardship or challenge you are facing, there is already an answer available. Your job is to command it into being.

For instance, many are facing layoffs and job loss with the financial strain that comes with it. See this as an opportunity for the Lord to prosper you by stirring up desires and ideas that will financially support you and your family independent of other resources (of course, without incurring debt). Do the work in the natural and supernatural realms; spend 20 hours a week on your financial goals (desires, innovations), at least 40 hours a week on meeting your current financial needs.

I know, I know, that’s 60 hours a week. A lot of time, yes, but this may be your greatest opportunity to impact your future. Take advantage of it forcefully.

Ask God how you should be spending your time.

Dream Big!


“For God speaketh once, yea, twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.” (Job 33:14-16)

What a marvelous token of His love to us-ward. Caught up with the cares of the day, holding our mind to the job that we might do it right, and we bemoan the fact that we do not have enough time to “study” and wait upon the Lord for the answers to our problems. Weary and exhausted we retire to our bed, and find that GOD BEGINS TO IMPART. Well He knows, that if we were conscious of all the instruction we received, we would tell His secrets prematurely to others, or miss-use that knowledge for the building up of the flesh, and the kingdoms of men. So He sealeth up their instruction. But in due time the need arises, and our heart cries out to God for help, and the holy Spirit, who was sent to bring all things to our remembrance, whatsoever He had told us, brings forth to our conscious mind that instruction which the Lord sealed up during the “night seasons”.

Many have grappled with a problem all day, unable to find an answer, so they prayed, committed it to the Lord, and went to bed to sleep. Yet in the morning as they arose and their mind turned again to the problem, they found they knew the answer. Where did it come from? Ah, out of the thoughts of the night, God has implanted that needed fragment of knowledge.

The Psalmist must have experienced this also. “I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.” (Psalm 16:70). How wonderful to know that GOD IS THERE, through the night seasons, to impart of His wisdom and understanding, to quiet our hearts, speak peace to the inner man, and to give courage to face a new day with positive attitudes. Blessed is the one who finds “his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night”, (Psalm 1:2).

Then out of the night shall come a song,
His truth prevails over every wrong.