What Do We Mean By “Getting Healed”?

God’s idea of healing may be different than ours. Often, we just want to deal with the symptoms, we just want to feel better or get out of a stressful situation. But God wants to get at the root-causes. “Getting Healed” means being freed and restored from unhealed wounds, whether in the body or the soul, not just the unhealed wounds or afflictions in our physical bodies, though that’s certainly included. But very often the wounds, the burdens, the afflictions that we are carrying in our physical body are the result of wounds in our soul that have not yet been healed.

We are always in the process of being healed. God wants us to be active participants in that process, and He doesn’t want us to settle for anything less than complete healing. Knowing that it’s His idea for us to receive healing, we can actively rely on Him, assured that He will provide the training, He will provide the teaching, and He will provide the insight and the light to show us how to depend on Him for healing. All we need to do is show up for class.

Tithing, Giving and the Scriptures [Part 1]


One of the most divisive issues in the church continues to be regarding tithing. Many mis-understand the term, its use in the scriptures and its meaning for the church today. We will be looking at the topic from as clear a perspective as possible, based on the scriptures. The act of tithing is clearly delineated in the scriptures, but a misunderstanding of the ways the term is used in scriptures and what happened at the Cross and Resurrection has caused many Christians to continue to be brought under the heavy weights of the Pharisees.

The scriptures can generally be broken down into the following time-frames: 1. Pre-Codification of The Law (before the law was written down); 2. The Codified Law (the written law); 3. Additions to the Law (included in post-Torah books of the Bible), 4. The Transition (when Jesus taught under the law), 5. The Fulness of Times: Grace! (from the Resurrection until whatever comes next).

For clarity sake, and to see the progression of God’s unfolding plan, we will review the scriptural usage and function of the tithe and tithing within each of these time frames. The scripture verses being discussed are included for clarity sake. References are in The New King James Version unless indicated; please feel free to refer to additional references and versions as desired.

Prepare for the Week: Stay Emotionally Focused

Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Remember Dad already has your week planned out for you and will see you through each day.

Our emotions often respond without checking in with our mind or will. Be on the lookout and ready to respond to attacks from the world system, especially things going on at work with people. Be SLOW to respond. It is better to walk away with nothing to say than to respond out of the flesh. Don’t get caught up in ‘office’ politics.

Obtaining and Maintaining Focus is very important for all of us right now, so we know there will be warfare: we know we will be coming up against our flesh, the demonic realm, and the pressures of this world system. But you are WELL ABLE to maintain focus if you stay dependent on Daddy and His resources to get your information and encouragement.

This will be a long-term issue so you will be receiving similar reminders as this, to stay focused, but thi!s is the way we learn new habits, not just by overcoming distractions but by developing new ‘vision’; clear focus and confidence.

Have a great week!

Aide & Comfort

When tragedy strikes, most of us look for a way to help. If we live nearby, we may consider volunteering, especially if we have a skill or resource that would be particularly helpful. Or perhaps we look for a way to donate ‘in general’ ~ blood or financially, for example.

In some ways we’ve come to expect this response. Watching the news, we are given the ‘up close and personal’ accounts of missing loved ones, details of last conversations, contact information. Then come the concerned politicians and government officials and their promises of investigations. And the event memorials. Then the lawsuits.

Yet I wonder how much of this is done for the good of those actually involved in the crisis event? How much grieving do we do because we are stirred by human compassion? How much because it’s expected? How much for the cameras? To be a part of the bigger event?

Don’t get me wrong. In the condition we’re in now, living for ourselves as we so often do, we are doing good for others. The blood donations will be used by someone in need, the finances and memorials will fill needs as well.

But how much do we rely on feeling compassion to motivate us to reach out and give what is ours already ~ comfort, healing, hope, answers.

I’m confident that as we all continue to be joined to Father and His heart, we will more and more be equipped and ready to be sent where He sends us.

I guess that’s part of the lesson of what is often called “The Great Commission.” Are we ready to go when and where Jesus sends us? Or are we too busy fulfilling the given expectations.

I know we will be ready.

If we want to be.

Getting Healed ~ Where to Start

God has a three-fold purpose for each one of us here on this earth:

  1. He exposes our flesh, so He can consume it,
  2. He makes us able to receive His healing in all areas of our lives, and
  3. He makes us able to enjoy intimacy with Him on all levels.

These areas are intertwined, and as He heals us, it will also affect how He exposes our flesh and brings us into relationship with Him. One can’t be done without the others. So if you want to have an intimate relationship with God, you’re gonna have to let the Lord deal with your flesh, and you’re gonna have to let Him heal you. Likewise, if you want to be healed, you’re going to have to develop an intimate relationship with God and have your flesh exposed.

Finally, if you’re tired of walking after your flesh, you’re going to have to learn how to get healed, and how to walk and live and move in the spirit.

So part of God’s purpose for us is that we receive healing in all parts of our being. Remember, we are a three-parted being: “I am a spirit, I have a soul and I live in a body.” In our spirits we are already complete. Spiritually, we are whole, we are entire—we don’t need healing in our spirit. It is in our body and in our soul (our mind, will and emotions) that we are wounded, and, if not tended, where wounds can fester and need healing.

Get Ready, Stay Ready!

For those who have been experiencing a sense of anticipation, it is time to put your affairs in order so that nothing is lost and there is no hesitation when your orders to move are delivered.

Don’t worry that you don’t know what is coming, and don’t feel prepared. Daddy has been making you ready, and you will hear and know at the time of your calling.

Once you’ve finished that which you know you should be doing, check with Counselor to see if there is anything you’ve missed; not because you’ve missed something, but so you will know going into this next thing that you are free to devote your full attention to your future and He will oversee your past.

Who’s Your Daddy?

Authors in both the old covenant and new testament used a variety of phrases and names to attempt to translate the diversity of God’s character into terms we could relate to, culturally and socially; Johovah Jireh, God Our Provider. El Elyon, God Most High. Paraclete, Comforter.

But as a spirit being, you already know God fully as He is. As we are healed, and learn to walk in greater understanding and freedom, that spiritual knowledge becomes more and more accessible to our mind, will and emotions and even our natural senses. The more we cooperate with Him, and rest in Him, the more we let Him fill the character needs we rely on others to fill in our lives – lover, planner, truth-teller. We all need as well a good and faithful father, older brother and guidance counselor.

Ask now if there is any area where He is prevented from relating to you as He chooses. If the answer is Yes, test the source (Is that you, Lord). If Yes, ask for specifics, and ask what you need to do or what lies you are believing that need to be addressed so He can be free to present Himself to your entire being any way He chooses. If No, identify the source of the obstruction and deal with it as He directs until He assures you He has freedom in your life. If He responds No, no problems here! Just say Thanks, Dad, and enjoy your day.