YOU are a Leader. Command Boldness to yourself and others to speak God’s Life and Presence into this time and into your own circumstances.
Boldly Command Boldness !
YOU are a Leader. Command Boldness to yourself and others to speak God’s Life and Presence into this time and into your own circumstances.
Boldly Command Boldness !
This is the Age we are living in now. The remnants of law still dominate our beings in our soul and body, and believers struggle to live, move and walk according to the Spirit, according to dependence on God. We often insist on using the old rules to judge by, as if the debt hadn’t been paid, as if there was still something that needed to be done in order to enter into union with God. It’s important that we understand that when Jesus said, “It is finished,” He meant it. Time was “up.” And more importantly, when the Father raised Him from the dead, we were raised with Him completely, not partway. Just as Jesus paused to dwell on earth for 40 days before ascending to His Father, so too are we simply pilgrims and ambassadors, passing through our sojourn here on this earth, on our way to fully dwell with our Father.
The law was given for a purpose and will never change until it has completed its work on this earth. So thank God He changed us! According to Paul, in Romans 6:14: “you are not under law, but under grace.” We can’t be both under law and under grace! So since the law has done its part, we shouldn’t try to bring it with us. The law is like a crossing guard, protecting us and guiding us in the right path. Once we are on the other side of the street, we continue on to our destination, motivated now out of our new inner nature, rather than outward direction or instruction. The crossing guard remains at his post, left behind to continue his job.
Jesus wasn’t sent to earth to die for our sins. He was sent to do a new thing — give us Life. But you can’t put new wine into an old wineskin. He had to start over. In order to do that, the law had to be completed, fulfilled, and date-stamped.
“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass’s colt unto the choice vine, he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes.” (Genesis 49:10-11)
In fulfilling this scripture, significant that Jesus did not ride just one, but two. “Tell ye the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass,” (Mt. 21:5).
What meaneth the symbolism of all this? Jesus sat upon the ass, and placed His feet upon the colt, and rode them both into Jerusalem. Binding together the vine and the choice vine. Jesus Christ was both the connecting link and the transition from both the vine of the first covenant and the choice vine of the new covenant. He rode out the law, fulfilled it, and He placed His feet firmly upon the new covenant with a full arrangement unto life and victory.
Those apprehended to become a part of the enchristed company have likewise often been placed in that position of riding both the old and the new. Brought up under the law with all its commandments, forms, ceremonies, yet receiving a vision of the glory of the NEW, so that they can no longer stay within the confines of the old, but now would “go forth therefore unto Him without the camp, bearing His reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come,” (Heb. 13:13-14)
Surely as He leads from the old into the new, we also “wash our garments in wine…” “The fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death,” (Phil. 3:10). There can be no union with Him without treading this same path which He trod. But there is a going from glory to glory, until we partake of the fruit of that CHOICE VINE, the new wine of the kingdom.
The Age of Grace had dawned, but mankind was still not ready for it. As great and awesome and wonderful as the Crucifixion was, it only concluded God’s purpose for the previous time period (Age of Law): It didn’t start something new. It wasn’t until the Resurrection that the Tree of Life was made available again to any who were without sin (all sins were paid for, even those not yet committed). It was this Tree, Jesus, which changed the very nature of man, making him a new creature, not a re-newed one.
[excerpted from “Practical Christianity”]
There is a time for planning and a time for action. Your plans and strategies will never be perfect, never be complete. Don’t wait until you have everything in perfect order. You will find you will be able to complete any area of preparation quickly as you take action.
Let others in on your plans. As a Leader they will learn from your example as well as from your wisdom.
Ask the Lord for the okay, then —
Get Started!
Pursue the treasures God has hidden for you.
Just as in the game we all played when we were young, enjoy the seeking as well as the finding. Once you find it, you will be surprised at how easy it was. Then it will be your turn to be sought out.
Your treasure is waiting for you now.
Enjoy the hunt.
Freedom and Democracy are not possible without a Responsible Free Press. The public relies on media to keep it informed day to day, as well as, unfortunately, reenforcing beliefs and educating on the issues. When any media fails to be objective, they are no longer “Press,” they have become “Propagandists.”
Command “Truth in Media.”
Repeat often until no longer necessary.
For Freedom’s Sake!
Opportunity is knocking, but you will have to come out of your prayer closet to answer the door. Put your hand and mind to what you desire. Expect God to make it grow, as you plant the seeds. Try, Fall, Try Again. Ask God, but do the work that is in front of you.
Now is Your Time.
Freedom to Fail, Freedom to Succeed!
We are starting a new series entitled “Command”. Since we are learning to Rule and Reign here, on this earth, during our time here, we must learn how to command that which we have authority over. As spirit beings, we have authority over both the natural and supernatural/soulical realms. So we learn to speak Truth into these realms, and Command change into the World System accordingly. Throughout the day, and following week, speak this both out loud and internally, not to yourself but into any aspect of the World System that the Lord brings to your mind specifically.
“I command Justice in the Courts.”
That’s it! Simple, right? Over time it may become more specific, but for now, let’s learn how to take our place individually where we are.
When making plans and setting goals for your immediate future, pay close attention to the details. Hidden within are surprises and treasures the Lord has waiting for you. If you move too hastily, you may walk right past the opportunities available to you now.
That doesn’t mean they won’t be available for you later, but NOW is the time to receive and act. Everything is prepared for you, and you are ready.
Diversify your Dreams.
Have a Spectacular Week!