On this earth we are contending with 3 Enemies: The World System, the Flesh or Self-Life, and the Devil. Right now the World System is in full Attack Mode. Remember that all of your enemies are liars, and are out to rob, kill and destroy YOU.
Do Not Get Drawn Into Battle On Their Terms!
Instead, focus on the Lord’s economy. He OWNS the economy; therefore, as a son of God, a joint-heir, a co-inheritor, you, too, own the economy. You are not the slave or victim — you are the MASTER!
Use this time to let the Lord reveal areas that need healing and belief-changing. Review your financial situation objectively and look for ways to eliminate your vulnerabilities to these attacks [i.e., do you need to change your financial mindset to get out and stay out of debt or change your career objectives / work ethic?***]
Oh, and stop watching the “news.” When Bad News comes calling, just say,
“Thanks, I Think I’ll Pass.”
[***If you need a strategy to get out and stay out of debt, I recommend attending your local FPU class through DaveRamsey.com, everything but his teaching on tithing.]