All 3 Books for any gift of $40.00 or over
Practical Christianity ~ Getting Healed ~ Knowing God
For a gift of $40 or over, we will send you The Eternal Life Series free of charge.
Simply provide your name and address with your gift and
you will receive all three books. We pay standard shipping.
How this works:
On-Line: Drop me a line at dianne[at] and I will send you a request via PayPal. You can use a debit or credit card to send a personal gift. You don’t have to sign up for PayPal to use their service. We will be adding other payment services soon.
Snail Mail: Of course you can always send a check or bank draft, just be sure to include your address and make the check out to:
Dianne Thomas
P.O. Box 38148
Charlotte, NC 28278
Why a Gift? Why don’t you just keep selling the books?
Our goal has never been to make money off of the sale of the books, and their availability for sale on-line has become a burden, both technologically and administratively. We would love to be able to give them away, but unfortunately we have learned by experience that there are always those that take advantage of generosity. We have also learned that we don’t value what costs us nothing, and often the books that are given freely are never read.