The Ages of Time [‘It’s About Time,’ cont.]


One way of categorizing the ages is:

  • The Age of God All-In-All (God existed fully self-contained)
  • The Age of Chaos (Process of Creation — even Chaos is from God)
  • The Age of Innocence (The creation of Adam, the first son of God, signified the manifest presence of God outside the Trinity)

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“And thou, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion.” (Micah 4:8)

Obviously, this is a work of sovereign grace in the hearts of His apprehended ones. “What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that Thou visitest him? For Thou has made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands: Thou hast put all under his feet,” (Psalm 8:4-6).

Made to have dominion – over all the works of His hands. This is hard to comprehend. “For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him,” (Hebrews 2:8).

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[Hedz Up!] Start Somewhere

You’ve got goals, choices and options. Don’t get bogged down in the details of each — pick one and run with it! God will direct, or let you know soon enough if you’re heading in the wrong direction.

Check your shoelaces 😉 [“Lord, am I forgetting anything?”]

You’re Off!

[Hedz Up!] Surf’s Up!

Like a surfer, let the momentum of overwhelming events carry you. You will need to work to keep your balance, but as you put in the effort you will find an excitement coming from your new perspective. Instead of being wearied by the intense waves, you will be brought to shore at your next starting point.

You are Ready for what’s next!

Have a great week~

[Leadership] Authority

It takes practice to exercise authority confidently. Look for opportunities to d-e-l-i-b-e-r-a-t-e-l-y make decisions and provide direction. Notice your thinking, feeling, and deciding — are you depending on God? Or “doing” it your self?

God is practical and will teach you how to rule and reign — now.

OVER A SACRIFICE by Ray Prinzing

“Gather ye to Me My saints, making covenant with Me over a sacrifice.” (Psalm 50:6, Young’s Literal)

Covenant – a Hebrew word that means – a league, an eating.  It speaks of partaking together, that vital COMMUNION, “He that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood”, so partaking of Him that our life is changed and merged into one with His life.  Such a covenant can only be made over a sacrifice.  Many have made their vows, their covenants with God, only to break them in due time.  He had blessed them and they rejoiced and made their vows, but as time passes the world draws them into its mesh, and they forget the vow they made unto the Lord.

Therefore, this covenant is made OVER A SACRIFICE.  It is painful, it goes deep into the marrow of our being, and it costs us everything.  Just as that merchant went seeking goodly pearls, and finding that pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had to buy that pearl, so also it will cost us everything of self; our ego, our own will, ambitions, plans, wishes.  All is laid out before Him, consumed upon the altar of sacrifice.  Indeed, we come to know what it means to offer ourselves “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, your reasonable service,” (Romans 12:1).

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[Hedz Up!] Approach

Don’t hesitate to bring your concerns and fears to the Lord. He is already aware of your needs and circumstances and wants to talk to you about it. More than anything, He wants to bring you into His rest, peace and confidence. That is His job — to bring you to Him, to reveal Himself to you.

Simply Approach.

Have an expectant week. Daddy has arranged everything FOR you!

It’s About Time! [‘It’s About Time,’ cont.]

God does things in terms of time, or eons or ages, and has a purpose or purposes for each age. Sometimes we know about these purposes, sometimes we don’t, but it is important to know what He chooses to reveal about what He is doing in a certain time period in order to be cooperating with His purposes and not interfering with them. It’s important to know what age we are living in so we can better understand what God is doing in, to and through us, and not be fighting against Him.

Einstein said time is what can be measured by using a clock. Okay, so I guess that clears that all up, right? God created time, uses it for His purposes, and has complete control over how it works, ends, and how it affects each of our lives and our world. The basic building block of time is an age, or eon. In scripture the term is rendered or translated “ever.” So where we find the term “everlasting,” we could also read it “age”-lasting. An age has a beginning, middle and an end, and generally reflects God’s purposes for that portion of time.

The terms eon, age and ever (lasting) all refer to a specific time period. So when we read “forever and ever,” it’s a time period and a time period, which is different from the idea of eternity or eternal, which refer to a characteristic of God’s nature. He is; He is the eternal now, present, and creator of the past and future. Just because we can’t comprehend this with our finite minds doesn’t mean we should try to pull it into our thought processes to make sense of it. If it quickens life to you, go with it! (Obviously this concept has implications regarding the eternal nature of the soul and nature of heaven and hell, but these need to be discussed separately so they can be given the attention they deserve.)