Author Archives: Dianne

What’s the Next Age? [‘It’s About Time,’ cont.]

What God is preparing us for is to be walking in total dependence on Him for life itself.

We’ve never had an example of what this would look like, especially in this day and age. But by reading about Jesus as our example we can get a good idea: Jesus was so dependent on His Father to be life through Him that His Father could revolve the entire universe around Him.

The Father sent His Son, trained and taught His Son, crucified His Son, lowered His Son, resurrected His Son, and is glorifying His Son, all with the perfect cooperation, dependence and enjoyment of His Son.

Though this was all the Father living His life through Him, Jesus was fully engaged in everything His Father was doing.

The last thing we would call Jesus was passive.

[excerpted from “Practical Christianity”]

[Hedz Up!] Identify Your Battlefield

BE SPECIFIC about your unique challenges at this time.

Know your own position, your vulnerabilities and the weapons at your disposal.

Know your goals – what is Victory in this situation.

Evaluate your enemies and their weaknesses.

Let the Lord teach and train you to Rule and Reign now!

Write it down, track your progress.


[Hedz Up!] Seriously, Refreshed

Take your times of refreshing seriously. Plan them. Schedule them. Regularly. God does not value burn-out, and has given you your body — and your soul — to take care of and watch over. Nurture a variety of interests and skills to maintain balance while on this earth.

Enjoy your time here.

Be happy.

YE ARE THE TEMPLE by Ray Prinzing

“For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” (II Corinthians 6:16)

From the time that Jesus declared “Your house is left unto you desolate”, (Matt. 23:38), and “The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom”, (Matt. 27:51), since that time our “God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands”, (Acts 17:24).

There are two Greek words, which have been translated as ‘temple’, they are: HIERON, meaning a building, and NAOS, referring to the inner sanctuary. When the veil was rent asunder, as far as God was concerned, that building ceased to be a temple, naos, and thereafter was just a building, hieron. Then Paul picks up this word ‘naos’ and uses it exclusively when speaking of THE TEMPLE, INNER SANCTUARY, which is the new, living dwelling place of God. He dwelleth no more in temples, naos, made with hands, such are only building, but He dwelleth in the inner sanctuary of your heart and mine.

“But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building (making),” (Heb. 9:11). He is forming HIS TEMPLE with the “LIVING STONES” whom He is processing and preparing through the nitty-gritty of every day living. Renewed into the mind of Christ, for His dwelling shall be all of one mind, HIS! Brought to that place where from every avenue of our being we cry out, “not my will, but Thine be done”, His will is supreme in His entire house – supreme, yes, it is also the sole delight of all who are His temple. This living temple fulfills Haggai 2:9, “The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts; and in this place will I give peace”.

[Hedz Up!] Review Your Position

New opportunities are opening up for you. Check in with God about your personal issues — time, finances, relationships — to make sure they are compatible with His plans for you. You may need to do this fairly regularly for awhile, but it will be worth it.

“Lord is there any area where I’m spending my time that I need to adjust?”

“Lord is there any area in my finances that I need to adjust?”

“Lord are there any relationships that I need to adjust?”

Follow through completely.

Have a great week!

Overlap of Law and Grace [‘It’s About Time,’ cont.]

This is the Age we are living in now. The remnants of law still dominate our beings in our soul and body, and believers struggle to live, move and walk according to the Spirit, according to dependence on God. We often insist on using the old rules to judge by, as if the debt hadn’t been paid, as if there was still something that needed to be done in order to enter into union with God. It’s important that we understand that when Jesus said, “It is finished,” He meant it. Time was “up.” And more importantly, when the Father raised Him from the dead, we were raised with Him completely, not partway. Just as Jesus paused to dwell on earth for 40 days before ascending to His Father, so too are we simply pilgrims and ambassadors, passing through our sojourn here on this earth, on our way to fully dwell with our Father.

The law was given for a purpose and will never change until it has completed its work on this earth. So thank God He changed us! According to Paul, in Romans 6:14: “you are not under law, but under grace.” We can’t be both under law and under grace! So since the law has done its part, we shouldn’t try to bring it with us. The law is like a crossing guard, protecting us and guiding us in the right path. Once we are on the other side of the street, we continue on to our destination, motivated now out of our new inner nature, rather than outward direction or instruction. The crossing guard remains at his post, left behind to continue his job.

Jesus wasn’t sent to earth to die for our sins. He was sent to do a new thing — give us Life. But you can’t put new wine into an old wineskin. He had to start over. In order to do that, the law had to be completed, fulfilled, and date-stamped.

[excerpted from “Practical Christianity”]


“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.  Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass’s colt unto the choice vine, he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes.” (Genesis 49:10-11)

In fulfilling this scripture, significant that Jesus did not ride just one, but two.  “Tell ye the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass,” (Mt. 21:5).

What meaneth the symbolism of all this?  Jesus sat upon the ass, and placed His feet upon the colt, and rode them both into Jerusalem.  Binding together the vine and the choice vine.  Jesus Christ was both the connecting link and the transition from both the vine of the first covenant and the choice vine of the new covenant.   He rode out the law, fulfilled it, and He placed His feet firmly upon the new covenant with a full arrangement unto life and victory.

Those apprehended to become a part of the enchristed company have likewise often been placed in that position of riding both the old and the new.  Brought up under the law with all its commandments, forms, ceremonies, yet receiving a vision of the glory of the NEW, so that they can no longer stay within the confines of the old, but now would “go forth therefore unto Him without the camp, bearing His reproach.  For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come,” (Heb. 13:13-14)

Surely as He leads from the old into the new, we also “wash our garments in wine…” “The fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death,” (Phil. 3:10).   There can be no union with Him without treading this same path which He trod.  But there is a going from glory to glory, until we partake of the fruit of that CHOICE VINE, the new wine of the kingdom.