“Gather My saints unto Me, those that have made a covenant by sacrifice. (Psalm 50:5)
The qualification of those presently being gathered unto Him is found in this word “saints”, from the Hebrew “chasid”, also given as good, godly, holy, and merciful. Thus we read, “Know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for Himself”, (Psalm 4:3).
There are two kinds of separation these days. There are those who “separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit”, (Jude 19). These are ego-centered, soulish people who desire to go their own way, build for themselves and will not submit to the deeper inworkings of the cross in their self-life. But, there are, also, those whom the Lord sets apart, apprehends them for His own purpose, draws them away from the crowds that He might work into them the perfections of His own will. These are in contra-distinction to those that “went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have no doubt continued with us; but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us”, (I John 2:19).
What a powerful message. Once you have ‘come out from among them”, and left the Babylonish, religious system behind, to be totally joined unto the Lord, to become His will, from thereon those who are not of one spirit with you will go out from you, separating themselves from you. Do not grieve over it all; see it as a work of the Lord, that actually HE HAS SET YOU APART FOR HIMSELF. For when God sets you apart, it is because there is a difference, you are not of this world. You now belong to Him, to His kingdom. Even if you try to mingle with them, you find yourself a mis-fit. You are not of them any more than they are of you. You are marked to be gathered unto Christ. This is the handiwork of God, conforming His called ones to His image, that in them He might be glorified.
“O Thou Spirit Divine, all my nature refine,
‘Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.”