“As chastened, and not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.” (II Corinthians 6:9-10)
“As chastened, YET NOT KILLED.” Chastened – to be child trained, with all of its disciplines. Many see only the rod, and all they can talk about is the rod, till they think they must be some awful children to need such discipline. Better to see that God has purposed to develop us for His special purposes, hence all the extra love and attention from His hand. And we are not killed. It is not to diminish, but to enlarge our capacity for greater degrees of fruitfulness and glory of His life.
“As sorrowful, YET ALWAYS REJOICING.” There is a godly sorrow; which worketh repentance, a change of mind, until we are clothed with His mind. We also know what it is to be sorrowful over the conditions of darkness and unbelief around us. Yet, through it all there is a rejoicing because of that kingdom soon to be manifest, because we rejoice in the knowledge that God has it all under control, because though “weeping endures for a night, joy cometh in the morning”.
“As poor, YET MAKING MANY RICH.” So stripped of all self’s resources we have no confidence in the flesh. We can of our own selves do nothing. Yet, because of CHRIST LIVING WITHIN, there is that which flows out to encourage, strengthen, edify, and yes, to make others rich in Him.
“As having nothing, YET POSSESSING ALL THINGS.” The more we are processed by His grace, the less we lay claim to anything. No more “my ministry” or “my gifts”, but we go out as He bids, carrying neither script nor purse, and yet there is that abounding of His grace so that we truly possess all things and have no lack. He has become our sufficiency. How simultaneously one can feel so empty, and yet so full, is a fact almost beyond explanation. Out of our nothingness and into His fullness. Only those who experience it know so great a paradox. He truly is our wonderful and bountiful Supply.