Many prophetic (and political) voices have shared what they are hearing from the Lord regarding this new season that we have entered into. Our emphasis at The Reigners Club is geared more toward what we as individuals need to know and do, rather than on what the Lord is doing on a larger scale, though we will discuss as the Lord desires. This keeps us from being distracted by what God is going to do regardless of our involvement, so that we can focus on the assignments He has given us as individuals. If He wants us involved in the larger things, He will have us ready because we have tended to the smaller things.
We always start with focusing on actively Waiting on the Lord, Practicing His Presence. Our relationship with Him remains paramount, and the only thing that satisfies. Maintain your personal goals relative to this relationship and you will be able to persevere through whatever storms and circumstances come your way.
Greater Things
When He walked this earth, Jesus proved to the people that He represented His Father in the unseen things (forgiveness, love, His Kingdom) by doing great exploits that could be seen by the people. He proved to His audience that He could forgive sin by healing the sick and casting out devils. He proved He was sent by God by doing miracles. This is part of our calling as well, and even greater signs and wonders than what Jesus displayed are part of our birthright as our soul is brought into alignment with spirit. We must raise our expectations for ourselves and develop a greater sense of our purpose here on earth as we move into exercising our authority over time and space as God directs.
For our present discussion, Christians today fall into two general categories, those that have been practicing His presence, having their wounds healed and learning to live as spirit under the personal training of God, and are already actively engaging in His plans, and those who have not, but whose heart has been touched to be available for such a time as this.
Prepared Pioneers
These believers are trained, experienced and are already following specific orders to engage the enemy. There will be promotion and opportunity beyond your wildest expectations, so let your soul soar! The drawing of the presence of the Lord will at times be overwhelming, often affecting you physically, but will likely occur even as you are carrying out your everyday duties. Let the Lord set a strict watch on how you spend your time and what your heart and mind dwell on. You will be misunderstood; don’t take it personally. The Reigners Club desires to be a place of encouragement, rest and refreshing for you whenever necessary.
Ready To Be Made Ready
These believers want to be used by God, but have not been trained or prepared to be sent into the kinds of battles being waged at this time. Fortunately, this is a time of acceleration and mentorship. The Holy Spirit desires to do a quick work, but you will need to be willing to forgive others and yourself, releasing your past as an excuse in order to embrace your present, and to quickly become comfortable making mistakes. You will be able to redeem your time through specific requests the Lord will make of you. Follow through with His assignments and you will experience an ever greater reality of His love for you. Only Knowing God satisfies, only Receiving His Love will provide peace. The Reigners Club desires to be a focus of acceleration, guidance and instruction for those desiring to take advantage of this great opportunity and truly live as a spirit in this earth.
I will go into greater detail over the next couple of months as the Lord permits. For now, know that if you know how to wait for Him, and as you practice waiting in His presence, you will be called upon to be a conduit for His moving in this earth, whether you are aware of it or not. And if you don’t know how, you can quickly learn!
These are exciting times. Enjoy!