As a leader, we recognize that we are on assignment representing our King. So there are standards of character that are to be presented on His behalf, with the goal of drawing others to Him as well as avoiding being a hindrance to any work He is doing through us. There is at times the concern that we are merely “acting” as a leader — pretending to be patient when we don’t really feel patient, faking courage when we are scared, posing as wise when we don’t have the foggiest notion if what we are saying will work…
You’re NOT faking it! As long as you are depending on God, through your spirit, to provide the strength, character and wisdom, you are “acting” exactly according to your true nature. This is the distinction between relying on the reality of your spirit identity and trying to meet some standard to fulfill perceptions through your strength of soul. Before we were re-inspirited, it was impossible to meet the requirements of leadership character. Now that we have been re-inspirited, all requirements have been met, and we now embody every leadership character, regardless of appearance. So we are merely learning to act according to the truth about who we are.
Over time, the Lord will indeed provide opportunities to observe these qualities in yourself and others. In Him, there are no boundaries, and He withholds nothing from His beloved.